Spiritually Speaking
Dismantling White Supremacy Culture
Photo by Hunter Newton on Unsplash
Unless you have been living under a rock, by now you have probably heard about the Covington Catholic High School students raucous behavior and one student smirking at a Native American elder. There have been several articles circulating such as, Don't Doubt What You Saw With Your Own Eyes, Media Rushes to Excuse Covington Catholic Students, or I Failed the Covington Catholic Test.
Is this what is still happening in 2019, minimizing and justifying racist behavior and scapegoating black men?
Yes, You’re A Little Bit Racist
I have been moved to write about what I consider a blatantly sexist, racist fiasco because I have seen so many yoga teachers (and non-yoga teachers) post and comment in support of the Covington Catholic High School students. And the media couldn’t make up its mind about what story to tell. Below are a few of the comments from yoga teachers in the Bay Area.